NEEDLES AND SYRINGE TIPS plus - gratuitous, gifs of naked hot chicks intended to be exploitative, and just straight-up superfluous.
purveyor of fine gear juice and roids
Heres some quickie tips if you dont have time to read the whole blog...
Keep your needles in the freezer.
Cold metal is always sharper.
When you inject:
- Use ONE needle to withdraw the gear from your vial.
- Throw that needle away.
- use an SECOND needle to inject.
Once the needle goes through the rubber stopper, it dulls the shit out of it.
Here's what I do, because I'm a cheap bastard-
instead of using 2 needles, I remove the entire top from the gear vial, and just stick the needle directly into the oil, get my 1cc, or whatever, and inject it using that same needle. This does 3 things-
1. It eliminates the need for using more than 1 needle, PLUS- when I press the plunger down a little to get rid of any air bubbles, I do it while the needle is still in the juice, so I don't end up squirting a quarter cc of gear in the air, wasting it.
2. By putting the needle directly into the oil, I lubricate the needle for injecting. (never inject with a dry needle, always either squirt some gear out to lubricate and get rid of the air bubbles, or do what I mentioned above)
3. When you stick a needle thru that rubber, eventually, you're going to get little pieces of rubber in your juice, and unless you're using a syringe/needle that has a filter (which nobody I know uses) You'll inject that rubber into your muscle, its not that big of a deal, and your body will eventually absorb it, but it can't be good for you.
Injections Information
many people, this is where the idea steroid injections becomes petrifying. In
many cases, the individual becomes so scared of performing the necessary
administration, he’ll forgo his entire plan.
is here where he’ll give up on anabolic steroids altogether or opt for oral
only cycles; in either case, he is severely short changing himself.
this article will make your first steroid injection and all of your subsequent
ones a bit less confusing, and a lot less painful; we guarantee you have
nothing to fear.
Injections – Phase 1:
you´ll need to draw the steroid out of the vial, with a syringe. The most
common size for injecting anabolic steroids is a 22-25ga. X 1-1.5" needle.
This size will work for all water based and oil based injectable steroids. The
first thing you need to do is make sure you are using a clean, unused needle.
Next, make sure the top of the vial is clean, and swab it with an alcohol pad.
to draw the liquid out of the vial, you´ll first want to pull some air into the
syringe, usually the same amount as you will be drawing in for your injection
if not a little more. Next, you want to hold the vial upside down and inject
the air into the vial. This will increase pressure inside the vial and allow
the liquid to be drawn into the syringe more easily. Once you´ve done this, and
while you´re still holding the vial upside down, you need to make sure the tip
of the needle is below the level othe liquid, begin to slowly pull back on the
plunger and drawl the desired amount of liquid into the syringe.
here, you have the option of replacing the needle that breached the rubber
stopper of the vial with a fresh needle. This is because even one pass through
the rubber of a vial will blunt the tip of a needle; even if this is not
visible to the naked eye, it´s still got the potential to cause additional
discomfort when you inject. In many cases, it’s not uncommon for the individual
to use a large drawl needle for all his steroid injections; drawl needles are
often 20ga-22ga in size and will make the entire process a lot smoother.
Injections – Phase 2:
your solution is inside the syringe, choose the area you wish to inject and
clean it with a new and never before used alcohol swab. As the area is now
disinfected, directly into the center of the desired injected area simply force
the needle in, it won’t take much and prepare to inject. With the needle all
the way in, before you inject the solution, draw back the plunger of the
syringe few tenths; if any blood comes into the syringe you will need to remove
it immediately and find a new spot to inject. You very well may only need to
move over an inch or so or you can find a new spot and start the procedure
again. Once you have found a suitable area, and this will get much easier with
time, simply inject the solution, but you’re not quite done yet.
Injections – Phase 3:
all of your steroid injections, once the solution is completely administered
leave the needle in for a good 15 or so seconds and allow the steroid to
settle. At this point, remove the needle and immediately place a clean, never
before used cotton ball on the injected site and apply pressure and hold for
approximately 20-30 seconds. At this point, you’ll remove the cotton ball and
you very well may find blood on it; don’t freak out; remember, you’ve just
pierced your skin. Throw the cotton ball away, and then with a little pressure
massage the injected area; this will help with any potential soreness; it’s not
an absolutely necessity but it can help.
to Perform Steroid Injections:
injections are first and foremost meant for your muscle tissue; intramuscular
and nowhere else. We do not perform steroid injections intravenously or
subcutaneously; such practices are very dangerous, and subcutaneous is a great
way to get an abscess. In any case, on the human body you have 36 specific
spots in-which you can perform all your steroid injections; while there are 36,
most will only need a few.
Dorsogluteal site (ass):
question, the Dorsogluteal (glutes) are the easiest and most convenient to
inject as depicted in the picture below. Each glute has one spot that can be injected
and can hold a rather large amount of oil.
area that can hold the largest amount of oil is a Ventrogluteal injection as
depicted below; this is often said to be one of the safest and most comfortable
spots for steroid injections. However, you must be extremely precise with this
practice, and this keeps many hopefuls sticking to other areas.
the glute related shots, the deltoids are a very good place to inject; steroid
injections can be performed in any of the three heads, but the lateral deltoid
head will be the easiest as seen depicted in the pic below.
deltoids, any head of the biceps or triceps is acceptable; the dead center of
the chosen head. From there, pecs, three locations, quads, two locations,
calves, two locations and even the dead center of the lats or traps; we cannot
recommend traps or calves, although it is possible.
Steroid Injections – No Fear:
so many places to perform steroid injections, it will be easy to find a spot
you are comfortable with and can hold a fair amount of confidence; once you get
through an injection or two you’ll quickly realize how simple the process is.
Of course, there is something you need to understand that has for years escaped
many on steroid related message boards; steroid injections are not supposed to
hurt. Granted, the use of Testosterone Suspension and a few other steroids may
leave you sore, but overall steroid injections should not hurt. If your
injected area is in pain post-injection, more than likely your product is not of
a high quality nature; this we can guarantee if you’ve followed all the steps
from above.
dispose of your needles safely, and remember to follow this same procedure for
all your steroid injections, to avoid the possibility of infections and abscesses.
any message board and you'll find questions centered around steroid injections.
Steroid injections often provide a high amount of confusion for many people;
after all, were injecting very powerful hormones into our body and no one wants
to make a mistake. To begin, you want your steroid injections to be successful
to ensure proper results are gained; more importantly you want to eliminate the
chance of any problems that could arise from improper administration.
Fortunately the process of steroid injections is not all that difficult; its
rather simple and there are many points in the body where steroid injections
can be applied.
to Administer Steroid Injections:
steroid injections must be administered intramuscularly; in simple terms this
means we inject directly into a specific muscle in the body. Generally speaking
we have 9 various muscle groups to choose from and within each muscle group we
possess many suitable injection points. The following groups of muscles are all
adequate points of administration and each one provides the following number of
injection sites in the particular muscle:
Glutes: 1 site
Deltoids: 3 sites
Biceps: 2 sites
Triceps: 3 sites
Lats: 1 site
Pectorals: 3 sites
Quadriceps: 2 sites
Traps: 1 site
Calves: 2 sites
the list of injectable sites provided above we are provided with 17 various
sites to perform steroid injections and since we have two of every muscle group
listed the number of adequate sites doubles to 34. For example, you have 3 safe
injectable points in the deltoid muscle, meaning each deltoid has 3 points of
injection giving you a total of 6 points to choose from regarding deltoids
Point of each Muscle:
numerous injections sites to choose from, within each one there is a specific
area of the muscle at hand that should be injected; do not arbitrarily inject
into the muscle but have a set point in mind. The following should give you a
good idea:
Glutes: the upper and outer portion of the muscle. You should inject
approximately two inches below the lower back and a few inches to the left for
your left glute and a few inches to the right for your right glute. Never
should you administer steroid injections into the meat of your glute muscle as
is commonly seen on TV; remember TV is not real life. Injecting into the meat
of the muscle and you risk hitting the sciatic nerve.
Deltoids: anterior (front) deltoid head, lateral (side) deltoid head and
posterior (rear) deltoid head. All three points are suitable; most will find
the lateral deltoid muscle to be the most comfortable of the three. Simple
inject into the center of the muscle.
Biceps: inner or outer bicep heads; either point is suitable. Inject directly
in the center of each point.
§ Lats: One point on each lat to choose from; inject into the center of the outer edge of the muscle.
Triceps: outer (horseshoe) tricep head, lower rear tricep
head and middle rear tricep head. Inject into the center of each point of the
Pectorals: the upper inside portion of the pectoral, the middle inside portion
of the pectoral or the outer lower portion of the pectoral. All three provide
adequate points; the latter will prove to be a little more uncomfortable for
Quadriceps: the outer head (sweep) or inner head (tear-drop) are both suitable
although the sweep will prove to be far more comfortable. For the tear-drop
inject directly into the center, for the sweep inject approximately half-way
between your hip and knee slightly on the outside of the muscle.
§ Traps:
one spot, simply directly into the middle of the muscle.
Calves: the inner or outer head is fine, simple inject into the center of
either head. Most will find this injection site to be very uncomfortable and
should only be used if absolutely necessary.
the numerous points we have to choose from for our steroid injections most will
find the glutes and lateral (side) deltoid head to be the most comfortable and
convenient points of administration. Injection sites such as calves and traps
are highly warned against; although in terms of adequate injection sites they
are fine, they can produce a fair amount of pain in the individual. No matter
where you choose to inject always practice sanitary methods; do not reuse
needles or syringes, clean the area thoroughly before injection and always
sterilize with alcohol beforehand.
GREAT post bro! Love it!! Keep it up Im subscribed now